Thursday, May 13, 2010

Importance of Fitness

We, from stone age to this technological world, were continuously learning & growing. We have been striving hard @ work place inorder to lead a quality life. But, I think Happiness combined with good health helps to achieve this. However, as the current life style is too fast that we often forget the importance of fitness.
Firstly, I would like to define what I meant by Fitness. Its the state of good health and physical condition. So, how do we attain this. This can be attained by exercise and proper diet. Please note that, I am not referring to body building. Being fit need not be hulk like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Ronnie Coleman and I am not writing on this, at least in the current post.
Personally, I feel that fitness is state of both mental and physical well being.

A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time - pills or stairs.
- Joan Welsh

Want to Improve your FITNESS???..If your answer is YES....I would say its first good move.......If your answer is NO.....I would suggest you to take few health and life insurance policies right now.....

Since you cleared the first step, (ie a thought to improve your fitness), now more important steps follow..

Things to Avoid

1. Junk food: Cutting out the Junk food is the one of the most important step. Fast food, Deep fries, carbonated drinks, sugary sodas and other crap, will not only pack calories to turn you in to Michelin Man, it also fills you up with empty calories preventing you from getting the nutrition you really need!

2. Alcohol: If you are drinking too much, its important that you improve your life and health by cutting it down. But, how do you know whether you drink too much? Please read the following questions:

  • Do you drink alone when you feel angry or sad?

  • Do you drink during day time?

  • Does your drinking worry your family?

  • Do you ever drink after telling yourself you won't?

  • Do you ever forget what you did while you were drinking?

  • Do you get headaches or have a hang-over after you have been drinking?
If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, you may be having a drinking problem. Check with your doctor to be sure. Your doctor will be able to tell you whether you should cut down or abstain. If you are alcoholic or have other medical problems, you should not just cut down on your drinking—you should stop drinking completely. Your doctor will advise you about what is right for you.

Also learn to say NO. You do not have to drink,since other people drink. You do not have to take a drink that is given to you. Practice ways to say no politely. For example, you can tell people you feel better when you drink less. Stay away from people who give you a hard time about not drinking.


3.Tobacco: Quit SMOKING & other forms of Tobacco. I will be writing more on points 2 & 3 in other post.

4.Crash Diet: Avoid Crash Diet. I am sure it does more harm than good. Not only women, I find a considerable number of men following this...They are under tremendous amount of pressure to reduce their weight, that makes them to opt for Crash Diet. The trick is to heavily reduce intake of food (low calorie diet) and reduce your fat intake as well. This is what happens when you follow Crash Diet. The body uses carbohydrate in the body and helps in losing weight. Once most of the stored carbohydrates have been used up, the body enters some kind of starvation mode, and this results in usage of protein in the muscles as the main source of energy. As a result, toxic compounds called ketones are produced that brings us fatigue and headache as bonus. Added to this, it may also cause dehydration, weakness, nausea and, in severe cases, gout, kidney problems and an increased risk of heart disease, according to the experts.

Things to Follow:

I. Eat Right to Stay Fit. Have well balanced healthy food in your diet. Include green leaves, vegetables. Don't forget to have fruits & salad in your meal. Include high protein and fibre rich food in your diet. Never underestimate the importance of fiber. Fiber is a necessity for keeping your digestive system in shape. Also,avoid having dinner @ late night. Instead, try to have it earlier, preferably between 8PM to 10PM. I know its gonna be a tough challenge in today's busy world, but I think I have been generous in mentioning my timings.

II. Try going to bed early. And make sure you have alteast 7 to 8 hrs of good sleep. I am sure you will find that you are fresh and clear in your tasks the next morning @ your workplace/college.

III. I would say, the importance of clean drinking water cannot be overstated. If you get dehydrated, your ability to function properly drops like a rock. The negative effects range from sluggishness and fatigue to headache and mental meltdown. Make sure to drink sufficient amount of clean drinking water, not coffee or carbonated drink, through the day.

IV. Try to divide your meals into several smaller meals rather than a few big ones. This will help you to stabilize your blood sugar levels and ensure a continuous flow of nutrients in to your body. Avoid carbohydrates late at night. Carbohydrates are your primary source of fuel for workouts, like fuel work for your vehicle.
However, unlike your vehicle, you can't fill up the tank and have it stay nicely filled until morning. Instead, a big load of carbohydrates before bedtime is more likely to be processed and stored away as body fat since there is no immediate need for the surplus energy.
To continue the vehicle-analogy, this leaves you with a mostly empty tank by morning - but you'll have gained an extra pinch of fat. If you want a late night snack, go for something entirely or mostly protein, since its considered that protein is unlikely to be stored as body fat.

V. Lead with your heart. Walking with good posture means leading with your heart, chest out, head straight. Reminding yourself to do this improves your posture, reduces stress on your lower back and joints, and can create a noticeable shift in your attitude and spirit.

VI. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. This helps to build up some leg muscle strength and burn off a few extra calories.

VII. Carry out mind-body exercise such as yoga and other similar forms of exercise methods which are particularly helpful in developing the mind-body connection, relieving stress and anxiety, and encouraging the body's energy to flow freely.

VIII. Stretching for minimum of 5 to 10 minutes every day, and try to include all your major muscle groups. A flexible joint requires less energy to move through the range of motion, increases blood supply and reduces stress.

IX. Fun along with health & fitness is great combo. You can go dancing or play a sport or work out in a gym, in order to get your heart rate up and start building aerobic conditioning. Seek for gyms, dance schools, and sports facilities that offer low-cost memberships or admissions. I am sure in most of the apartments in Indian cities have their own gym, swimming pool & sports club which either free of charge or comes up with small amount of maintenance. You can utilize these to the fullest extent if available.

X. Try to conduct weight resistance training, preferably two to three times a week. Even if you can't afford a gym or your own weights, buy a set of elastic resistance bands. Increasing muscle mass will increase your metabolism, give you more energy, and provide extra strength for achieving daily activities with less stress.

             Start every day with a smile and get it over with. 
              - W.C. Fields
Last but not the least, don't forget to smile.....:)


  1. Hi Sai!!!! nice post... though i didnt read completely... :) ... but a nice start...

  2. Thanks a lot Geetu....:)...appreciate your comment....Yea I guess its rather a lengthy post.....I should reduce the length of my post....:).....
